This was literally a stream of consciousness and the camera bit just appeared at the end
Here we go……..
So I woke up this morning with a slight sinking feeling that had crept in last night
One of those feelings that had no obvious cause or reason to be there
But one of those feelings that I haven’t felt since I got back from the Jungle
One of those feelings that I thought had gone
The feeling was just a slight feeling of despair
A feeling that I’m stuck in a place that I no longer desire to be
This is a feeling that used to be so deep and was the basis of my depresssion
It was the feeling that used to rule my life and stop me from living
It was the exact opposite of what I always desired
The most important thing to me – to feel free
Something that I’ve not often felt and my main driver in this crazy journey of mine
The thing that I felt totally when I was in the jungle
I’ve never felt as free as I did when I let go of all that shit in Columbia, and to be fair – I’ve felt pretty free since I got back
My thoughts this morning took me back to a conversation I had with Cliff just before we left
He said that when we go back into our “normal” life – to be really aware of our old conditioning and how we can fall into old patterns
This was awesome advice and the same thing I tell people when they work with me
Sometimes we need to hear it for ourselves though right ?
So driving to Sheffield this morning I had an amazing conversation about this with a fellow coach and realised it was totally me just falling into old conditioning
This was just a well trodden path that I’ve walked down 1000’s of times before
And that conditioning was having my focus pointing in a less than desirable direction
In the past this would have had me off course for at least a few days, but now it lasted just over an hour
The difference this time is consciousness
And I get that today this was my lesson – to remain conscious at all times
I realise that this journey is a journey of raising consciousness, getting off auto-pilot and taking back control
Taking my power back
What just popped into my stream of consciousness was this….
I just got an awesome DSLR camera which has many modes
It ranges from fully automatic to totally manual
When it’s in auto it takes really nice pictures – they are always in focus and look pretty good
they tend to lack character and definition, and they can end up looking a little bland, flat and lifeless
But when you switch to manual you get to take control and to create things in exactly the way you want them to be – in a way that represents and fully expresses who you are
An even though the camera is in manual, it still gives you amazing feedback to enable you to get amazing results, but at the same time you are in full creative control
This of course requires you to be aware and conscious of its capabilities, and also to understand how to use those capabilities to get the results you desire
Then once you have that understanding and awareness, you have more control over what you choose to create, and the more creative you can be
– YOU get to choose how much light you allow in and the sensitivity to that light
– YOU choose the exposure level
– YOU choose the shutter speed
– YOU get to choose the balance
– YOU choose the subject and the mood of the shot
And most importantly
And having control of these things allow you to fully influence the results you create
Make sense?
Sounds a lot like life eh ?
So maybe it’s time to switch to manual, learn how to utilise my capabilities, and to be fully conscious and aware of what I am focusing on and creating
Thank you universe – lesson received
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ this journey
Tim Juicy-Tom
Emotional Specialist & Adventurer
Deep Mindset Coach
Reintroducing peeps to their beautiful selfs ?❤️??❤️?