What’s happened with my commitments is not what I expected and a massive change compared to my past experiences.
Interesting (as I often say) ?
So, I made quite a large commitment – especially when it came to health and fitness. There was nothing wrong with this, apart from I got ill with a deep chesty cold straight after I made my commitments and ended up floored for a few days.
In the past this would have meant I immediately felt like I was behind, like I’d failed, but something was different this time.
What has changed is the relationship I have with my SELF ♥
Nowadays I’m much kinder and much less judgmental towards my SELF. So instead of getting on my own back about being ill (I know that sounds crazy – but it’s what I used to do) I sat down and looked at what was the most important things I could do to get my health back on track.
These were the things I decided were the most important (in no particular order).
- Drink 2L of water a day
- Meditate twice every day
- Eat 3 clean, nutritious meals a day
- Do a life vision process twice a week
- Stretch and do some basic movement
- Do 30 press-ups (as my shoulder has been a problem and get to keep it strong and mobilised)
- Take my supplements
- Go for a few walks in the week
- Manage my personal finances
Then what I did was build this into a framework to spread it across the days, weeks and month. This framework enabled me to create balance without feeling too constrained and too structured. It also facilitates the building of new habits and patterns that serve you without having to think about it and overwhelm yourself with loads of things to remember.
So what is the result from following this framework over the last 2 weeks?
The difference is quite amazing actually. Normally I would have got bored with the routine and I would have slipped for sure – especially with the water. This time I’m sticking to it and really feeling the benefits of making sure I’m taking care of my needs.
The mad thing is – even though I’ve been ill – I’ve had a much clearer mind, I’ve slept much better, my upset gut is getting back on track and more importantly – I’m super positive and I’ve been taking inspired action which is creating amazing results already in the first 2 weeks of the year.
This framework is something that I’ve had as a concept in my head for years and is something that I’m building into my upcoming Sixth Sense Mastermind.
Much more on that coming very soon.
What could you build into a regular routine that would meet your basic needs and support you – so you can get on with creating the life you desire?
♥ ♥ ♥