So following what I said yesterday about getting gifts from feeling discomfort.
Todays discomfort was a 45 minute bootcamp session, and the gift I got immediately is that I no longer have back, neck or shoulder ache.
Then there are the long terms benefits of keeping fit right.
but then there’s the stuff that we often overlook, and that around what it does for the self.
Whenever I do anything for myself – I always consciously say to myself – this is for you babe.
And the effect this has is that it really increases self image, self esteem, self confidence and all kinds of other self stuff
This is the BEST kind of SELFIE you can do.
The other things that I noticed today that is cool is that I only got 99% which in the past I would have looked at as failure.
The thing is I now don’t care as it’s the fact that I actually got up off my ass and did the workout means that I was a winner.
I didn’t have to be perfect and that’s a big shift for me as I’ve always been really hard on myself for things like that.
The same goes for life right?
Sometimes we may actually be winning at what we do and sometimes not – but in my new mind, as long as you are actually taking part in life, then you are winning anyways.
Have an awesome day winner