Tom Lynn

February 9, 2016

Before my session with Tim my fear of flying had got to such a point that I was worrying about it weeks before the holiday and that eventually grew to hardly being able to step onto the plane before takeoff and mild panic all the way there. Once we were on holiday it didn’t take long before the fear began all over again thinking about the return journey only this time it was spoiling expensive holidays I should have been enjoying while relaxing.

I was slightly anxious and apprehensive about HSE having never had any kind of coaching or therapy for anything before. But after knowing and trusting Tim and hearing his explanation of HSE and its success rate already I was happy to give it a try as any measure of reduction in the fear suffered would be a bonus.

Once with Tim for the session I felt very at ease and calmed by him. His explanation of the process made me realise the techniques would be even more simple than previously thought. I found the process itself very relaxing and enjoyable. The climax being the success of not being able to even conjure up the gut wrenching feeling that just thinking about flying brought on.

Since the session I have flown 4 times, twice being long haul 9-11 hour flights to India that I never thought I’d ever be able to deal or cope with and yet I was perfectly okay and calm throughout as my fear of flying has completely gone. I cannot thank Tim and the HSE program enough for helping me with an irrational fear that seemed to come out of nowhere one day after flying fine for years and I thought would live with me ruining holidays forever.

Tom Lynn | Be You