It’s interesting as I sit here over my breakfast – looking out to sea from my balcony
I’m so conscious and aware of the difference I’m feeling as the reminder popped up on my laptop – the reminder that today is the first day of this current Unlimited Life retreat
These are the incredible retreats that I get flown over to Cyprus to work alongside my amazing family – Cliff and Marta
Back in the day it started with lots of fear going into the first one, and lots of self doubt. Basically wondering if I would be good enough to serve the amazing people who were on the event
As we did the next one, that transmuted into slightly scared and hoping I could live up to the last event
Slowly – retreat by retreat, And, as I got more and more of my shit out of the way, my experience was more and more enjoyable and less and less scary
At the same time I was able to take people deeper and deeper into the healing experience that I provide.
This in turn enabled them to get better results as their shit was more out of the way.
This continued event by event until I had my magical experience in the Columbian Jungle last month
Wow that was a complete game changer
Everything that I ever worried about and doubted about myself was gone in 4 short (but long) days
To the point where I sit here today in total knowing that I am enough and there is no self doubt
I am just filled with pure love, excitement and gratitude for this experience that I co-created
And even more so
Excited to meet up with everyone and to get immersed into this incredible experience with them all
So it made me think….
How exciting is this thing called life when we stop looking for the destination – like it’s a fixed place we are trying to get to
We start to really enjoy the journey and all of it’s unfolding levels.
Then it has the potential to keep expanding and getting better and better
Then it truly is the gift that keeps on giving
What is something that you’ve noticed shifting and expanding in your life?
Where have you been up-levelling?