When I first came to see you I was what only could be described as an emotional mess. I’d watched two close family members suffer with terminal illness, which I had struggled to deal with and this had left me physically and emotionally drained. My body was so full of tension that I had aches and pains and I couldn’t switch off mentally and kept worrying about things I couldn’t control.
I heard about HSE through a massage therapist and I just thought I’d give it a try. After three years of being told I was stressed by GP’s and the only thing being offered was medication I didn’t want to take I decided there had to be a natural way of dealing with how I was feeling.
Before the first session I was a bit worried about what it would entail as I found it really difficult to talk about my dads illness and death. Tim put me at ease straight away and explained what the process would entail. It was non-invasive and he explained I could go into as much detail as i felt comfortable with. I quickly established the unhelpful thoughts and feelings and set to work on freeing myself from what was holding me back.
The great thing about this technique is you can do it in the comfort of your home as and when things occur, which enables you free you mind from unhelpful thoughts as and when they happen.
Eight sessions on I feel much better emotionally, I no longer feel panicky and out of control and finally feel I am starting to get the old me back. I can finally remember the good times with my dad without the emotional baggage I was carrying, which has helped me to accept what happened is just a part of life.
I would say to anyone who doesn’t feel like they are living the life they want to because something is holding them back, to give it a go as you’re only here once and what have you got to lose!