I’ve always been a highly strung person and easily stress over anything. I would always wonder how I would interact with people in groups or in a meeting, and get extremely worried even before I entered the room. I used to argue with myself all the time about the smallest things, and worked up situations in my head, and really made things worst for myself than they really had to be.
I’ve got to admit I’m always up for something new, and am sometimes a little sceptical, but Tim came highly recommended by my brother so I didn’t have an issue there.
The process is really simple,I liked the fact that you explained all about it and how it came about. You started with the most simple technique and it worked straight away. The session felt really positive and I could see a clear difference at work the next day.
I wanted to gain more confidence in not just myself, but the way I handled myself in certain situations, and it definitely worked. I’m still the same person, but feel I can handle tougher situations with a lot less worry and stress. I’ve also noticed that the thought of walking into a room full of people (which used to petrify me) is not so much of an issue now. After a session last week I spoke in front of 15 people and had no issue talking to them all.