Prior to meeting up with Tim I had been experiencing periods of high anxiety relating to financial issues and work.
These manifested in me having periods of being unable to think clearly, sleepless nights, and worry on a scale that was way over the top for the actual concern.
I had no concerns about working with Tim as he had been recommended to me following my sister working with another therapist in North Yorkshire. Her results were so impressive and I had finally reached the point where I had had enough of me putting myself through the worry and the torment.
On first meeting he put me at ease and taught me the processes we would use when we came to do a further session. I understand that the process varies for each person, as we are all somewhat different, but the core techniques remain the same. I read the book about the therapy between the first 2 visits and found this consolidated the learning from the first session and primed me well for the second.
I have attended a total of 3 sessions including the introduction. The difference in my feelings is subtle but very profound. I feel myself being able to behave in ways that simply express who I am and how I am feeling rather than worrying about other peoples thoughts about me. Guilt is a word of the past!!! I can recognise when I could have behaved differently but do not beat myself up internally about it anymore. This is truly liberating.
I do still note some old patterns but they are less compulsive and do not relate to the areas I worked on with Tim.
I regularly go for reflexology and my therapist was astounded at the change in my energy when I visited following the sessions.
The sessions have helped me make a decision about leaving my present work and I await what opportunities are coming my way. I am still in the process of deciding the way forward as opposed to leaving the crap behind. I do know that I will be leaving and that I no longer need to work way too many hours, in a job that is exhausting me, just for the sake of the bank account.
Tim’s approach is professional and his attitude one of support.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Tim for the sessions and I may well pay him another visit for the coaching and the fun of the developments.